Energy Efficiency

Onsens, Hot springs, making the most of our natural resources.

Living efficiently in Yudanaka?

Many buildings in Yudanaka are heated using hot spring water. At Ryokan View for example they pipe 92degree C water to a heat exchanger in each room, where a small electric fan blows room air over it.  Imagine to electricity bill saving durng the winter when it’s minus 10 or 20 degrees C !!!


In other places like Taupo in New Zealand they use hot spring water or steam to drive turbines and generate electricity.  I do wonder about the efficiency of this for heating homes in the winter. Steamàmechanicalàelectricalàheat, Steamà70%à70%à70%=100*0.7*0.7*0.7=0.34 or 34% efficiency. Or wasting two thirds.

No perfect solutions, interesting to exchange ideas isn't it...